Caught Between Two Worlds


I am caught between two worlds. The earthly and the eternal. Oh how my heart longs for heaven. This world is filled with too much sorrow, pain and hardship. I feel like Paul when he wrote:

For I am hard-pressed between the two having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better, Nevertheless to remain in the flesh is more needful for you.  And being confident of this, I know that I shall remain and continue with you all for your progress and joy of faith, that your rejoicing for me may be more abundant in Jesus Christ by my coming to you again.” Philippians 1:23-26

I am still here, and God isn’t finished with me yet. His purpose isn’t complete. He is still working. He has called me to be in this world, yet not lose sight that I am not of this world. This is so hard, yet so good. My prayer has been over the months leading up to this tradegy that God would give me eternal eyes. God answered my prayer in a way I could have never imagined, and He made this world look as temporal as it truly is. A vapor. A passing through. Not home and not comfortable. A temporary place, that makes me long for the comfort of the arms of my sweet Jesus.

I am an ambassador of Christ, but may I not be found where I love the world I live in more than I love the place I represent. May my loyalty never be questioned and may I be found faithful in the calling He has given me HERE.

Christ had the opposite. He is glory and he came down to this horrible earth and took flesh form to dwell amoung us and be Immanuel God with us. What a sacrifice to come and be of  sinful and sorrowful filled earth! What a treasured gift to us. He came from where I long to be, to go a place I want to be done with. This is grace, this is His goodness.  So as I am caught between the heavenly and the earthly I am reminded that Christ came for that reason. That we may know Him here on earth yet live for another place to call home. I don’t belong here and nether did Christ and I find such comfort in that this season. May we worship the worthy Immanuel, who gave up everything to give us life. Thank you Jesus!

*Shout out to my amazing Father in law, he inspired the word picture of being an ambassador 🙂