Year Long Resolutions

This is a post I wrote last January after having a date with my sweet man and talking about things we were working on in our home and marriage. I never posted it and wanted to share it. These are all things I want to work on this year as well, just have to slightly change it as now the Lord is my husband. 

Instead of the typical written out goals, I wanted to challenge myself with some thought provoking questions that would constantly challenge me, the whole year long. The answers to some of these questions change depends on the season I am in and what is looks like practically, but regardless I want to be in a constant state of growth in these areas of my heart and family.

Here they are:

What am I doing to exalt and magnify Christ?

How am I spending my time that is producing a hunger in my life for more of Him?

Am I being still so that I can hear from the Lord?

How am I managing my day so that I can enjoy the blessings God has given me freely and uninterrupted?

What am I doing to intentionally grow my marriage and invest in my husband?

What am I doing to train and pray over the boys in the ways of the Lord?

In what ways can I be intentional to remove stress from our lives?

How can I find more time to refresh myself in writing and reading?

How am I fostering godly community?

What am I doing to establish time to hide God’s word in my heart?

What am I doing for my spiritual, physical, and emotional well being?

**And already I am convicted as I just wrote it out again. Lots to work on this year and instead of being overwhelmed with a list of to do, in a very tiring season, I am trying to focus on my heart and what I am doing to foster growth from the inside out. What are some things you are working on this year?