Christmas Hope

You knew the brokenness, pain, sorrow, hurt and sickness we would face. So you humbled yourself, the King of Heaven to come as a helpless baby to save us. You came to walk to death alone so that we wouldn’t have to face death on our own. You were beaten and disgraced so that You could take the punishment for us, oh what a sacrifice! Oh what a Savior! You came so we could have Hope, even in the darkest circumstances, Your light of Hope leads our way.

You conquered death so that when death occurred in this world it wouldn’t be the end, it would just be the beginning of the most fulfilling part- eternity. You came so that even though we are troubled in this world, our hearts could find rest and peace in You. You came so in this great pain we face we don’t ever have to walk it alone. You are God with us, Emmanuel, every tear, every gut wrenching moment You have been right beside us; carrying the burden and sorrowing with us so that we would never bear this suffering alone. You are with us in the laughter and in the tears. You aren’t scared of our vulnerable reality, You simply walk it with us, our hearts exposed, Your love healing the battered places. You’re the cure we all long for, the healing that last forever, costs us nothing but takes our hopeless lives and replaces it with purpose.

You came to be faithful and never changing even when all around us crumbles. You’re the tower of refuge that always remains. You are everlasting, and being Yours gives lasting security. You came to bring abiding joy that no gift, no amount of family time, no decorations, no perfect food or moment could create, only simply being with You can. You desire us to be with You and enjoy the gift You give.  Your joy is not circumstantial, its expanse is so wide it’s of another world that lasts beyond this temporary one. Joy, it is the only thing that can permeate through the pain and wrestle with sorrow, yet wins every time since it only comes from knowing You. Your truth wins over the lies of defeat.

There is Joy in this World because You entered. You came so that we may have life and have it abundantly. You fought for us when there is nothing else fighting for us, and You never slumber or sleep You remain for us and with us. You made a way so we could live to the fullest. There are so many ways the enemy of our soul and the brokenness of the world has stolen, killed and destroyed parts of this life, yet You come in to redeem, restore and give it ever more. That’s Your design, that’s who You are. You give a life that is more precious than anything we could imagine or plan for, because you care about our hearts not our homes or appearance or what we can offer to You. Our hearts, that’s all You need to change our whole world. You give Hope, Hope beyond the suffering, Hope in the busy, and Hope in the future. You came so that we might live, and with You life is always worth living, and because of that Christmas is HOPE.