6 Things to Embrace in Suffering

As I have been walking through the immense loss of my beloved husband, I am reminded of these truths to embrace during any season of suffering that will help align our perspective.

  1. Timing – The reality that this present suffering is not forever. God’s word says that we are called to endure for “a little while” before He will restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you(1 Peter 5:10). When we view this suffering as temporary, compared to the vastness of eternity, it equips us with perspective to endure.

  2. Enrichment- God has promised that if we persevere we will be refined as precious gold. We will be enriched by perseverance, have proven character and hope according to Romans 5:3-5. Our lives and how we view life will never be the same because of our suffering. We will live differently with more purpose and with a greater outlook on the gifts we have truly been given.

  3. Purpose- It will be for our good and for His glory. Embrace the fact that God can use our pain for great purpose if we allow Him too. God has a purpose with a plan in whatever we are facing. Won’t you ask Him to use your pain for a great purpose? Suffering is to hard to be wasted on just ourselves.

  4. Sovereignty- God is in control of your circumstances and nothing is beyond His reach. As a believer, anything that touches us has sifted thru our creator’s hands. Refuse to play the “what if” game and embrace the Great I AM who has allowed this to happen in conjunction with His will for your life.

  5. Comfort- Whether you are mourning a dream, a death, or a divorce, no matter what pain you are going through, God promises to be our comfort and never leave us alone in our suffering. He is holding us tight as we walk thru this pain. Even in your pain, you can comfort and serve others, it helps get the focus off yourself and is a reminder that just as God comforts you, you can in turn comfort others.

  6. Hope- No matter how difficult your situation is there is always hope. As long as we are breathing, there is hope. Our Heavenly Father who has prepared a place for us for all eternity and will take care of our needs for all eternity, is capable of changing the trajectory of any situation. Hope reminds us there is always something to be thankful for and the God of all hope who would love to fill you with Himself. Embrace that there is still hope no matter what you are facing.