Marriage Is A Treasure

Marriage is a treasure. A earthly gift that is so good, it could have only been designed by God. A union where two hearts are joined together as one and love that is too deep for words is shared. It’s best buy generic viagra friends and partners. It’s someone you laugh with, cry on and hope for the future with. It’s through the pressures of life and the pleasures of life. Someone to enjoy life and endure losses with. It’s a gift to be cherished, To invest in and to sacrifice for. It’s worth fighting for when it gets hard and it’s worth dying to yourself daily. It’s the foundation of a family and it’s a tool the Lord uses to expand the church. It’s an example of Christ and His love for His bride. It’s an opportunity to love and serve sacrificially while being known in the deepest most vulnerable way, all struggles and hopes exposed. It’s God’s design for the family, and it’s a beautiful picture of complementing one another, marriage is a treasure.  How are you displaying this gift and treasure in your life? Cherish every moment that you are given. Your not promised tomorrow. Take this gift you have been given and invest in it  to make it grow and flourish. Take it from a Widow, marriage is a treasure.